Our mission

We are a global community of climate-minded people working together to help our cities decarbonise.

Climathon is a global movement, orchestrated by EIT Climate-KIC, that empowers citizens to take action against climate change. We firmly believe that local activation and collaboration are essential in addressing the pressing challenges posed by climate change. 

Through Climathon, we seek to inspire, connect, and support local changemakers who are determined to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon, climate resilient society. We understand the importance of starting at the local level, as it is here that impactful transformations can take root and spread.

By participating in Climathon, citizens have the opportunity to take meaningful action within their communities, collaborate with decision-makers and future leaders, and contribute to the development of zero-carbon, climate-resilient cities.

Why support Climathon?

With a strong global brand and over 30,000 participants and 1,000 events worldwide since 2015, Climathon offers access to impactful citizen engagement through our community of 600+ local changemakers.

By supporting Climathon, you can actively contribute to addressing the urgent challenges of climate change and creating meaningful impact.

Raising climate awareness
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Climate change awareness is crucial for mobilizing communities and driving action. By supporting Climathon, you will have the opportunity to participate in events and campaigns that raise climate awareness at the local, regional, and global levels.

Climathon events attract a diverse audience, including students, entrepreneurs and policymakers passionate about climate action. By leveraging your resources and expertise, you can help expand the reach and impact of these initiatives, ensuring a wider dissemination of climate knowledge inspiring citizens to take action.

Access and collaboration with local ecosystems
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Climathon operates through a vast network of cities, communities, and organizations worldwide. By supporting Climathon, you gain unique access and collaboration opportunities within these local ecosystems. This includes engagement with local governments, academic institutions, businesses, and grassroots organizations actively working on climate action.

Through Climathon events and initiatives, you can connect with local stakeholders, establish meaningful partnerships, and leverage the collective expertise and resources to drive impactful projects. This collaborative approach fosters innovation, accelerates the implementation of climate action and projects, and creates a multiplier effect that extends the reach and effectiveness of your efforts.

Contributing to real climate action and projects
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Climathon provides a platform for translating ideas into concrete projects that deliver real climate action. By supporting Climathon, you can actively contribute to the development and implementation of transformative ideas.

Climathon events bring together talented individuals, entrepreneurs, and experts who work collaboratively to tackle local climate challenges. Your support will help us transform ideas into tangible projects that drive meaningful change on the ground and demonstrate your commitment to real-world climate action.

Get in touch

We understand that each organisation has unique goals and expectations. We are committed to tailoring an opportunity that aligns with your specific priorities and requirements. By collaborating with our team, we can explore customized initiatives, joint projects, and impactful programs that align with your organization’s vision and objectives.

Get in touch with us to learn more about how your support can maximize climate awareness, enable collaboration with local ecosystems, and contribute to real climate action and projects.

Get in touch